Sunday, October 20, 2019

Three more suspects have been arrested over the theft of Maurizio Cattelan’s gold toilet!

Installation view of America (2016) by Maurizio Cattelan at Blenheim Palace. Photo by Tom Lindboe, courtesy of Blenheim Art Foundation.


  1. I just find this hysterically ridiculous that first an artist would find something as mundane as a toilet and transform that into a symbol of socio-economic hierarchy. My question is how would the thieves plan on selling this to a black market? Perhaps they planned on melting it down into bars? I'm really not sure the purpose of stealing this toilet..maybe it would have been a better and less sensationalized option if the accused robbers robbed a bank instead. This whole situation seems like a fever dream an artist makes a gold toilet, said toilet gets stolen, and this is acceptable news. Someone out there earned a bachelors in journalism and is now writing articles on stolen toilets-the irony.

  2. The fact that someone built a fully functioning toilet out of solid gold is absolutely insane. The material value of this toilet alone is vastly expensive than buying several toilets and building a tower. What is even more shocking is that someone actually stole the toilet and got away. I have no idea how someone would steal a regular porcelain toilet from home depot and not get caught. None the less one thats made of solid gold in an art museum that weighs thrice as much.


Extra Credit Paper

Art 103: Art Appreciation Fall 2019 Extra Credit Due Friday Dec 13 (via email to 2 pages double-spaced There ar...