Friday, August 30, 2019

If you have an LAPL library card...

Sign up for this awesome free movie thing:

then watch this

This would be an excellent film about which to write an extra credit report!

If you don't have an LAPL library card, go get one!

Paleolithic Art

If you missed last week's class, or want to review or expand on what we looked at, the Khan Academy has an excellent overview of Prehistoric art (in fact they are a reliable go-to site for all the Art History periods we'll be covering).

Read at least Paleolithic art, an introduction and I strongly recommend reading through the following short and clear essays on the Origins of rock art in Africa, Apollo 11 StonesVenus of Willendorf, and Lascaux caves. You can even take the quiz if you like. Here is their video on the Venus of Willendorf:

And here's Werner Herzog's feature documentary about the Chauvet Caves:

How Art Made The World 2 - The Day Pictures Were Born

<iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="" width="560"></iframe>

This is an even worse version of the video than the one we looked at, but if you missed it, this'll have to do!

Extra Credit Paper

Art 103: Art Appreciation Fall 2019 Extra Credit Due Friday Dec 13 (via email to 2 pages double-spaced There ar...